Friday, February 5, 2010

Asbestos - Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer

Asbestos has many interesting opportunities for developers. It is a solid, flexible and resistant to corrosion. It is also burn resistant and a good insulator. There are not many substances with these properties and may explain why it used so far. This becomes dangerous when materials containing asbestos is disturbed or damaged. Asbestos is a microscopic bundles together. If the material is disturbed or damaged and can separate the fibers into the air. May these fibers in the lungs and can lead to serious illness or death. Some of these diseases include:
Asbestos is not a cancer of the lungs. Inhalation of asbestos fibers over a long period of time causes. The illness lasts from five to forty years to develop. Be captured as asbestos fibers in the lungs, the body produces acid to try to eliminate these fibers. The continued production of acid can eventually scar tissue in the lungs. Excessive scarring of the lungs can not function properly. This can cause serious respiratory problems. Asbestosis If left untreated, can lead to heart failure. At present there is no effective treatment for this disease. People, repair or demolition of buildings that contain asbestos, the greater the risk of asbestosis. Odd disease through physical contact with those who work with minimal asbestos. People who worked in the shipyards were first diagnosis of asbestosis.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the pleura (the outer membrane around the lungs and chest) and / or the peritoneum (the membrane) on the abdominal wall. In the United States has only about 3000 new cases per year. Exposure to asbestos was the cause in all cases. The effects in these cases lasted fifteen to thirty years. Unlike other forms of cancer, there is only one known cause of mesothelioma. Studies show that people who live and work in areas containing asbestos, such as mining, are the factories and shipyards, fabrication and installation of asbestos, Installing the greatest risk of mesothelioma. They are also at risk when a worker exposed to asbestos and asbestos containing live in the neighboring area. Studies also show that young people are more likely to contract mesothelioma when they inhale asbestos. This is the reason why people are serious effort to protect students from exposure to asbestos.

Many cases of lung cancer can be attributed to asbestos exposure. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among all diseases caused by asbestos. You can complicate the effects of lung cancer by about fifty percent if you start smoking. People who are in work, where they are located directly in the treatment of asbestos, are working to have an increased risk of lung cancer. Exposure as asbestos and other carcinogens such as tobacco smoke, for example, will bring an increased risk of developing lung cancer than exposure to asbestos alone. A study which indicated that exposure to asbestos and you smoke and ninety times more likely to contract lung cancer as a person who is not exposed. Some symptoms of lung cancer are cough, difficulty breathing disorders, chest pain, and anemia. It usually takes from fifteen to thirty years after exposure to asbestos lung cancer.

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